Dekonstruksi paradigmatik pengembangan zakat: analisis kritis pemikiran Yusuf al-Qaradawi
The construct of the argument for the development of zakat treasures in the thought of Yusuf al-Qaradawi can be divided into two general and special ones. The general argument is based on the theory of qiyas and maslahah, while the specific argument is based on the theory in the jurisprudence of zakat itself, that is with respect to the criteria of zakat property. From the six criteria he mentioned he then developed one of them is a productive (growing) property. On the basis of these criteria then many new types of treasures that can be covered into zakat property, such as the treasures obtained from company stock, honey, and profession. Of course the new treasures he mentioned just as an example only. In the future it can continue to grow in accordance with the development of Muslim life. The argument for the development of zakat property can be contradicted by three arguments: ambiguity in placing the doctrine of zakat between the teachings of mahdah worship and the teachings of muamalah /'adah (worldliness); tend to separate the study of zakat from the historical context in which the obligations of zakat in the time of the Prophet and the caliph after him are always related to the life of the state / government; and stressing that the zakat is different from the taxes is basically a result of its ambiguity in looking at zakat.
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