Kebijakan fiskal dan upaya mengatasi disparitas ekonomi perspektif Islam

Agus Waluyo


The purpose of this research is to overcome economic disparity in the perspective of Islamic fiscal. The
research findings showed that the effort to overcome economic disparity was conducted through economy
development that must refer to the base of Islamic philosophy, namely tauhid rububiyah, keadilan,
khalifah and tazkiyah. The primary Islamic fiscal should focuse more on distribution of economy fairly.
Fair distribution of economy will guarantee the justice amid community, and there is no difference
between the poor and rich people. The principles of justice guarantee primary need to all society. Besides,
each of them is able to fulfill their secondary need. In the context of overcoming economic disparity, it
can be done through optimizing the receiving from instrument of Islamic fiscal policy through strengthening
of regulation, modern and syncron management as well as integration between convensional
fiscal and Islamic fiscal policies.


economy development; disparity; fiscal policy; Islamic fiscal

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